Category: Updates

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 31

Oxford, Massachusetts 1735 – Adams Streeter was born in Framingham, Massachusetts. Though he started his preaching career as a Baptist, he traveled in a circuit in central Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island preaching universal salvation. He helped John Murray organize a Universalist society in Boston and preached there to general acceptance. He was the first … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 31

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 29

1563 – Sebastian Castellio died at age 48. He served as a preacher in Geneva and as professor of Greek literature at the University of Basel. Castellio was the primary defender of Michael Servetus, whom he never knew personally, after John Calvin had Servetus executed. He published theological works against Calvin’s thought and wrote Concerning … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 29

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 28

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer 1548 – The priest John Assheton was summoned before Archbishop Thomas Cranmer at Lambeth Palace to answer charges of Unitarianism. Although Assheton subsequently recanted and survived, he was the first Englishman convicted for Unitarian ideas. The post December 28 first appeared on Harvard Square Library. Read more at: – the digital … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 28

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 24

1745 – Benjamin Rush was born near Philadelphia. He was physician general during the Revolutionary War but resigned over differences with George Washington. He signed the Declaration of Independence and was a cofounder of the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. He worked in medical reform, education, and humanitarian services, especially during the yellow … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History December 24