Category: Updates

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 30

Königsberg, Germany 1680 – Christopher Sandius Jr., the author of many Arianist tracts, died at age 36. Born in Königsberg, Germany into an avidly anti-Trinitarian family, he became a proofreader when other work was denied him because of his beliefs. His Nucleus historiae ecclisiasticae is an important work in 18th century theology and claimed the … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 30

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 27

1895 – The Unitarian preacher Octavius Brooks Frothingham died at age 73. He was ordained by the North Church in Salem, Massachusetts, where he became an eloquent preacher. As he became more radical, friends in New York organized for him the Third Congregational Unitarian Church, where he served ever-larger gatherings from 1859 to 1879. Frothingham wrote … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 27

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 26

Gdansk, Poland 1608 – Andrew Wissowatius Jr., the grandson of Faustus Socinus, was born in Philipow, Lithuania. He studied theology at Rakow, Poland, a Socinian stronghold, and traveled widely, including to Holland, France, and England. As the superintendent of various churches, Wissowatius stayed in Poland through the persecution of Socinians, took refuge in Prussia, and … Continue reading This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 26

This Day in Unitarian Universalist History November 23

1996 – Angus deMille Cameron, a distinguished Unitarian minister from Canada who was active in denominational affairs, died on the Kingston Peninsula in New Brunswick at the age of 83.   The post November 23 first appeared on Harvard Square Library. Read more at: – the digital library of Unitarian Universalism.