Donation / Pledge
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May your generosity bring you JOY!

Your pledge is a meaningful step toward living your values.
We appreciate whatever you can give to help support and sustain our church community.
UUCC Programs and Services
- Sunday Worship Services
- Guest Speakers
- Choir Performances
- Other Music Programs
- Religious and Character Education
- Care and Concerns Lay Ministry
- Community Sunday Potluck
- Coffee Hour Hospitality
- Sunday Forums
- Men’s Group
- Buddhist Meditation
- Workshops for Spiritual Growth
- Monthly Newsletters
- Rainbow Café – LGBTQ Movie Night
- Connections Groups
- Green Sanctuary Events
- Four Winds CUUPs
- Edgar’s Place Coffee House
- Yoga Classes
- Respond NOW support
- PADS Team Activities
- Guest at Your Table
- UUA Affiliation and Support
- Corn Roast in Autumn
- Fellowship Brunch in Spring
- Local Interfaith Involvement