Rainbow Cafe Presents the Movie “Rocketman”
Rainbow Cafe is a social event that provides a safe and welcoming environment for single or partnered gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender adults and their allies, by creating a space where they are able to socialize outside of the usual bars. The Café is open every 3rd Friday of the month. Doors open approximately 6:30pm. Movie starts at 7pm. Soft drinks are served.
Next meeting: September 20
His music inspires you. His life will surprise you.” Rocketman is a one-of-a kind musical celebration set to Elton John’s most beloved songs. Discover how a shy, small-town boy becomes one of the most iconic figures in rock & roll. Featuring an all star cast, this truly spectacular and utterly electrifying ride is filled with show-stopping musical performances and is “unlike anything you’ve ever seen”.