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Visitor Information — UU Community Church

To discover more about our faith, explore the following links from the Unitarian Universalist Association:
We’re glad you’re interested in visiting us at UUCC. Find us about 1 mile south of the intersection of Sauk Trail and Western Avenue, just south of the Autumn Ridge Apartments. Enter Sycamore Drive on the east side of Western Avenue. See the Map.
Helpful information
- Dress: Feel free to dress comfortably. Jeans are okay, and even shorts in the summer.
- Start Time: Our services start at 10:00 AM in person and on Zoom. If you would like view the Sunday service from home, see the bottom of this page to subscribe to receive the Sunday service Zoom link.
- Parking: We have a large parking lot. When you turn off Western Avenue onto Sycamore Drive, we’re the first entrance on the right. (We’re the little brown building tucked into the woods.) Parking spots on the left are for Visitors. Handicapped parking spots are on the right. Our building is fully accessible and ADA compliant.
- Entrance: Please enter the door under the awning pictured above. You’ll be greeted by one of our members. To your right there is a wall of brochures about Unitarian Universalism and activities. Feel free to take whatever you’d like.
- Restrooms and Coat Room: The hallway on the right past the front doors is where you will find the restrooms and a place to hang your coat.
Are you new to the whole UU experience? Here’s what you can expect from a Sunday service. Every church is unique, like the people in it, and in some cases the celebrant leading the service may do things a little differently, but these are the common elements of our services:

Sunday Service Elements
- Hymns: Our UU hymnals contain a wide variety of inspirational music from many cultures.
- Chalice Lighting: The chalice is a candle or flame in a bowl or dish. It is our denominational symbol. There’s a great pamphlet in the hall brochure rack that will tell you all about the history of the chalice and how it came to be our symbol. We light the chalice near the beginning of each service.
- Story for All Ages: This will usually be led by the speaker or Director of Religious Education. It allows the children present to hear an abridged version of the sermon topic suited just to their ages before they break off into their Religious Education classes (like Sunday School). When the children leave for the classrooms, they collect canned goods and non-perishable food items for a local depository. If you are visiting, please don’t feel obliged to contribute.
- Sermons/Talks: Since UUCC currently is a lay-led congregation, we regularly have guest ministers, speakers and even members of our own congregation who deliver thought-provoking and stirring sermons or talks from a variety of religious and spiritual traditions. We guarantee no two Sundays are ever alike! We also have an archive of sermons available.
- Spoken and Musical Meditation: The sermon is followed by a guided meditation or prayer and then special music at which point people may come forward and place a pebble on the chalice as a sort of silent prayer.
- Sharing of Joys and Sorrows: Our members, attendees and guests can come to the front and share with the congregation something they are joyful for in their lives or a sorrow.
- Gathering Post-Service for Fellowship: Immediately following the service is our coffee and fellowship time in the Gathering Room. The first Sunday of the month is Community Sunday, and you’re invited to join us for a potluck lunch.
September through May we have educational forums that start at 11:30 each Sunday (except for Community Sundays). We hope you enjoy and benefit from a visit with us. If there is anything we can do to make your visit more accommodating please don’t hesitate to let our Greeter know.